Religion and Charlotte Mason
>> Monday, September 28, 2009
Charlotte Mason did require bible study, and there is no doubt religion and Christianity in particular played a major role in her teaching philosophy. This is most likely the reason that most resources today have a decidedly Christian slant on CM methods and that secular resources are few and far between.
Personally, I have avoided many secular groups and resources over the years for the simple reason that they are hell-bent on stamping out any hints of Christianity even if it means discarding the baby with the bath water. Perhaps I am coming at this from a different direction. I have never been a Christian nor was I raised in a Christian home. I have no bitter feelings about Christianity. As a major world religion I believe that even non-Christian children benefit from some historical and theological education about Christianity, just like they benefit from studies of Hinduism and Judaism. Why is every one so anti-Christian these days, I just don't get it?
Or perhaps I do. A small percentage of Christians have used their basic belief systems to shut out the rest of the world and reality. But, and a big but here, this really is a small percentage. I know far more non-Christian and secular families that have shut out anything that may allude to Christianity, no matter how minute, just for the fact it alludes to Christianity.
Yet Christains as a whole are not without blame. A memoir--when I was in public high school we had a year of history that covered world religions. Christianity was not one of these religions covered. Not because of the 'separation of church and state', but because some Christians had gotten up in arms over it. It was okay for the class to study the basis of myth in one religion but not Christianity. Jesus was a living man at one point, and regardless of the views on his parentage, a good portion of history revolved around this man. Yet, we could not study the man that was Jesus because a few people were offended that he would be debased to the point of being a man. Um, not a good way to spread your views, people.
So non-Christians, listen up. Use the CM method but skip the bible study. Please integrate another form of formal morality study though. There just isn't enough morality in today's world. For us, we use Buddhist and precept study for our formal morality training. Also, please do not try and avoid Christianity in your teachings or only teach of the bad things done in the names of God and Christ. There are two sides to every coin and not all of Christianity is the inquisition and burning people at the stake (in fact very few were actually burned, most were hung...but I digress).
Christians, you listen up to. I don't care if you are old earth, new earth or something in between. Study evolution even if it makes your skin crawl. How else will you debate and possibly win an argument with those of us who do trust evolution to be true? Study other religions, compare them to your own. You may find that the divide between those of differing beliefs isn't as wide as you thought. And, most importantly, put down the King James version of the bible for awhile and study other versions. This will give you a more rounded view of your religion and may also deepen your faith.
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