About the All-Free Secular Charlotte Mason Curriculum
>> Tuesday, September 15, 2009
***Note: The actual schedule, scope and sequence and book lists will be up on the site within the next few weeks. Thanks!***
I really hate the word curriculum, but this is more or less what I am a presenting--
Book lists
Scope and Sequence
Suggested weekly calendar of activities
Before you read through and implement the all-free secular, CM-inspired curriculum I want to make a few points.
1) Everything listed in the booklists is available for free, online. Please substitute or supplement from library and purchased sources as you see fit. The goal of this book list is to amass a free secular CM curriculum similar to the ones already offered that are Christian-based. I want the bulk of it made up of free materials, so families may benefit from it regardless of their financial standing.
2) Currently it is only available for years 1 through 3. I will be adding to it as I am able. Please keep in mind I am only one person who is homeschooling two young children as well as working full-time from home. My goal is to eventually have years 1 through 12 plus an early learners section published on the site.
3) I will be making recommendations for books and other items from time to time that are not free. If you decide to purchase them, and decide to do so through Amazon.com, please consider doing it through the link I provide. I am putting up this information for free, with no strings attached, and purchasing through my Amazon links will give me a small amount of compensation for my time.
4) Most importantly--neither this, or any other curriculum, is carved in stone! Every child learns differently and at different paces. Use this information but don't be afraid to deviate from it. The schedule is just a suggestion, not written in stone. Make your own schedule or ignore schedules completely. Take from this what is useful to you and forget the rest.
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